What We Do

Woman talkig about company financial situation with partners

Experienced Recruitment and Staffing Specialists

Employment Factors International Ltd is a UK based supplier of fully compliant  personnel in the health, social care and allied professions for permanent and temporary roles to the NHS, local authorities, charities and private providers  focusing on:

Health care

Medical Doctors

General Practitioners

Qualified Nurses

Healthcare Assistants

Social care

Social Workers 

Youth Workers

Support Workers

Care Managers

Allied professions


Occupational Therapist 



Our  specialists work closely with employers and job seekers to provide innovative recruitment and employment solutions.

We are a hands-on, highly experienced and knowledgeable experts with an exceptional understanding of the inner labour  market metrics and characteristics.

Employers and job seekers rely on us because we are a partner of integrity, value and trust.


Do you need more information or a consultation?